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Here's a list of most of the materials I use in my polymer clay dolls:

Polymer clay


After experimenting with different brands of clay I finally ended up with Cernit Doll. To my opinion it has an amazing lifelike effect (great translucency). Whether the clay is soft or rigid depends mainly on its shelf life, I have batches of cernit that are almost unusable due to hardness and fresh batches that are melting in warm hands like butter. If your clay is too soft you can leach out some of the plasticisers with some plain paper, rolling your clay with it in the pasta machine, until you achieve the desired stifness. If its too hard you can add drops of clay softener and work it in a food processor, but sometimes even this aint enough ( time to throw it away...)If you don't feel comfortable with your clay you won't create something nice. Polymer clay, especially Cernit attracts lint and dust like a magnet and can ruin the looks of your sculpture, so clean your working area and avoid prolonged contact with the clay(the more you work with it the more it gets dirty...).

Sculpting tools


Use whatever tools you find helpfull, I have all sorts of tools from specific for polymer clay to non specific like needles, toothpicks e.t.c. Whatever gets the job done is a good tool!



I use whatever fabric suits my current project better, although as a rule of thumb I avoid heavy fabrics or ones with large patterns. Silk fabric is excellent but can be tricky to work with.

Beads and stuff...


My stash of beads gets larger almost every other day, consisting entirely of glass beads (avoid plastic ones, your creations deserve better). Swarovski crystals are my favorite and ideal to give that extra sparkle in your project!

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